
MyDFS Page - Players & Parents

The ‘MyDFS Page’ is the primary source of information for the Elite Pre-Season Training program players and families. This page is regularly updated with all Elite PTP information including, draft combine testing results, training information, coaches feedback, educational videos and much more.

To help with ease of navigation, the page has 3 main categories:

  1. Program and Event Information
  2. ‘Confirmation of Attendance’ and ‘Booking’ forms
  3. Bonus extras 

Please regularly check into ‘MyDFS Page’ during the program.

Elite PTP Contact details :
E: info@dynamicfootyskills.com.au 
P: Michael Talbot 0451 008 122

Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn't work hard.

Program and Event Information

Monday. 28 Feb, 07, 21, 28 Mar
South Morang: 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Marymede Catholic College
Williamsons Road, South Morang
NOTE: Bring Runners

Tuesday. 01, 08, 22, 29 Mar
Ascot Vale: 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Fairbairn Park,
Woods Street, Ascot Vale

Wednesday 02, 09, 23, 30 Mar
Sandringham: 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Sandringham Secondary College
Halloway Rd, Sandringham

Thursday 03, 10, 24, 31 Mar
Hawthorn: 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Anderson Park
Constance Street, Hawthorn

Friday 04, 11, 25 Mar, 01 April
Box Hill: 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Kingswood College
Piedmont St, Box Hill

In conjunction with the weekly ‘Primary Location’ training, players can also attend training at any other location, on any other night at no extra cost.

NOTE: It is important that players submit the ‘Unlimited Training’ attendance form, prior to attending any extra training sessions. We require this for Covid attendance purposes and also so our coaches can ensure they are well planned for the session.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the how you’ll benefit from the Video Kicking Analysis.

Location Details
Monday 11th April
RMIT Sports Centre
203 McKimmies Road, Bundoora
Times: 9:00am or 10:30am
Monday 11th April
Oakleigh Recreation Sport Centre 
2A Park Road, Oakleigh

Times: 3:00pm or 4:30pm

Click Here for Combine Comparison Charts


All Elite PTP players are entitled to undertake one AFL Draft Combine Testing. It is up to each player to select the session that suits them best.   Players are only permitted to attend one testing session. Each session duration is 90 – 120 minutes.


  1. Players need to complete the ‘Confirmation of Attendance’ form (found under the ‘Booking Form’ section).
  2. Players select the timeslot they would like to attend.
  3. Timeslots will close, once capacity is reached

What to wear/bring: Testing will be performed on indoor Basketball Courts.
Players should wear runners, shorts and their DFS training singlet.  No boots.
Player need to bring their own labelled drink bottle(s)

Redleap Recreation Reserve, Redleap Ave, Mill Park
Times & Age Groups
10:00am : 2011 & younger
12noon   : 2010 born
2:00pm   : 2009 & older


All Elite PTP players are entitled to play in the Match Day Finale. Players need to ‘confirm their attendance’ to be eligible to play. If unavailable, please select ‘Sorry, unavailable to attend’.


  1. Players need to complete the ‘Confirmation of Attendance’ form (found under the ‘Booking Form’ section).
  2. Each Match will conclude with post match presentations. 
  3. Please allow 2 hours for your Match and Post-Match presentations.


What to wear/bring: Players are to bring full playing gear – including PTP training singlet, shorts, socks, boots, mouthguard & helmet (if you wear these). Players will be given a DFS jumper to play in on the day.

Players need to bring their own labelled drink bottle(s).

Booking Forms

CLICK HERE to book your extra training attendance

CLICK HERE to view the list of players who have booked a VKA (as of Feb 20)

CLICK HERE to book your Video Kicking Analysis

CLICK HERE to book your AFL Combine Testing Session

CLICK HERE to book your Match Day Finale

Bonus Extras

The work you do away from the training track is just as important as the training itself. At every level of the game, the truly great players are always the ones who work harder than anyone else. They train away from training, they train in their backyard, in the local park, at school, and even during the ads of their favorite TV show. Great players always have a footy in their hands. This is where the DFS ‘300 touches’ comes into play.
We encourage you to do your 300 touches EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.

Before the start of every training session, all players will be expected to complete the DFS 300 touches. DFS 300 touches is for players to maximise touches of the football prior to training, which will develop ball-handling skills. Doing this simple exercise before training helps shape the hands and mentally ‘switch on’, ready for training.

Check out the videos for some individual and partner 300 touches activities.

Check out our website for further Elite Pathway Programs