The Affiliate Program Initiative provides players, parents and families of participating clubs exclusive access to an innovative AFL skill development program via the DFS
e-learning platform, “Horizon Footy Skills”.
This is our way of supporting clubs that have supported us. The more club members that sign-up, the greater the cash rebate becomes.
Adrian Talarico – Founder of Dynamic Footy Skills
It is that simple.
Participating clubs will also receive important financial assistance via the Affiliate Program Initiative (API) Cash Rebate System.
During these tough Covid-19 times, clubs can think of the API Cash Rebate as a new financial club sponsor.
Players, parents and families will receive exclusive FREE trial periods and entry into ‘Member only’ competitions, including Brand New Football giveaways!
The more club members that sign-up, the larger the club cash rebate becomes. It is as simple that!
For more details about the API including: Club eligibility criteria; Nomination form access; API Information Booklet and FAQs, follow the clickable links on this page.
We look forward to receiving your club nomination and hope we can start to help support your club during these tough economic times. – The DFS Team

What is the Community Club Affiliate Program Initiative?
The Community Club Affiliate Program Initiative (API) is an initiative for DFS to help community football clubs during a time that has adversely affected the whole community.
What does the club receive?
Via the Community Club Affiliate Program Initiative (API), clubs receive a cash rebate contribution, to assist well needed funding for the club.
How will clubs be selected to participate in the API?
Clubs need to ensure the API nomination form is completed correctly in the application process. We anticipate most clubs who apply will be granted access into the API.
How will clubs access the API nomination form?
The API nomination form can be accessed by clicking here. Once you have filled in the required areas of the form you will need to click the ‘submit’ button to complete the process.
What do clubs need to complete in the application process?
To apply for the API clubs will need to complete the API nomination form and agree to meet the marketing campaign requirements set out during the month/s of the API.
What eligibility do clubs need to meet?
Nominated clubs need to have been registered to play in their local competition for the 2020 season. Clubs need to be willing to fulfill the marketing campaign requirements as set out during the month of the API.
How many clubs will be granted access into the API?
Selection will not be governed by a number or cap on clubs. We anticipate that we’ll be able to accomodate most clubs that apply for the API.
Can DFS assist with communication emails and Social media posts?
We understand that clubs are already stretched with resources. We want to make this as easy as possible for clubs. To this end, DFS will provide full awareness and communication material for the club to forward onto their members. All material has been created by the DFS marketing team and includes two emails and two Social media posts. All the club needs to do is press ‘send’ on their email and ‘post’ on their Social media accounts.
Can the club sign up for more than 1 month?
Yes. Each month, clubs will be required to register their interest to participate in the next month’s intake. Clubs who were granted approval into the API will have first right of refusal to continue in the program, for the following month. Should the club not wish to continue, that spot will be offered to another club.
When will the club receive their affiliate rebate?
Rebates will be processed monthly. Rebates will be transferred directly into the club bank account within one week after the monthly affiliate initiative has ended.
When will the rebate stop?
Clubs successful in securing a spot in the API will be eligible for the cash rebate during the entire month/s they participate. Club rebates will stop when the club chooses to end its API or when the API comes to an end.
What type of Memberships does the club receive the cash rebate for?
The rebate will be paid for all Memberships. This includes Monthly, bi-annual and annual/foundation. The rebate is offered on new memberships which are registered for the month that the club is participating in the API.
How will DFS know that it was a club member that signed up during the month?
Once clubs have been accepted into the program, they will be issued with their very own unique Coupon Code. Any new members who sign up using the member code, will have 10% of their membership fee rebated back to the club.
Will the club be informed which members purchased a Membership?
Yes. The club will receive a full list of club member names who purchased the membership during the given month.
When will the Prize giveaways of the brand new footballs be announced?
There will be a draw each month. Winners will be contacted directly. Winners will also be announced via the DFS social media accounts.