
DFS 'SPARKS' testing

The DFS SPARKS testing is designed to test the athletic and skill capabilities of junior footballers.
SPARKS = Speed, Power, Agility, Running, Kicking, Skills
The results assist DFS to determine player invitations into either the Summer Training Program of the Academy Program.
Results achieved during the SPARKS ‘athletic’ testing will be sent directly to the player.
The next upcoming SPARKS testing session will be held at St Monica’s College on Wednesday 16th April.
The cost is $30 and testing will last 90 minutes. CLICK HERE for the flyer.
Please complete and submit the registration form below.

2014 STP Pre-training S'n'C sessions

  • A confirmation email will be sent immedietly upon submission of this form.
    1) If my child has a medical condition I acknowledge that I or a nominated person is required to stay with my child for the duration of the session and if required, will administer any first aid. I hereby release Dynamic Footy Skills from any liability for injury incurred by my child at the Session 2) If there is any injury concerns, please notify DFS staff PRIOR to the testing session