In footy, the best learn from the best. Let our expert coaches pass on their vast array of experience at your club.
From coach support, club training, fitness testing and exciting club clinics, Dynamic Footy Skills have the knowledge and experience to help your footy club.
Our Coach Support Program is about sharing our expert coaching knowledge with your club’s coaches, giving them the knowledge to power your club to any goal your team has set.
Using an effective combination of a chalk and chat session and a practical on-field element, we give you powerful tools to use at your next training session and on game day.
Our In-Club Training Program is based on your club’s needs. In partnership with your coaches we can help you design and conduct training sessions, specifically tailored for your club’s needs.
From tailored skills training drills, game-day strategy and coach development, DFS become part of your team.
Our Club Fitness Testing is exactly what your club expects. Professionally conducted by our strength and conditioning team, we use proven testing methods to see how ‘footy fit’ your players are.
Based of the AFL Draft Combine, our fitness testing program uses state of the art technology and can give your club the foundations to become a fitter and stronger footy side.
Whatever your club footy needs are, DFS has the expertise and experience to help your club reach the next level. Contact us today.