The ‘MyDFS Portal’ is the primary source of information for the Elite Summer Training Program players and families. This page is regularly updated with all Elite STP information.
To help with ease of navigation, the page has 3 main categories:
Please regularly check into ‘MyDFS Portal’ during the program.
Contact details :
Lisa Piccolo 0404 995 096 (Administration & Accounts)
Michael Talbot 0451 008 122 (Head of Football Development)
To help with ease of navigation, the page has 3 main categories:
Please regularly check into ‘MyDFS Portal’ during the program.
Contact details :
Lisa Piccolo
0404 995 096
(Administration & Accounts)
Michael Talbot
0451 008 122
(Head of Football Development)
Click Here for the 2024 Player & Parent Handbook
CLICK HERE for details
Sunday November 10th
K.P. Hardiman Reserve, Plenty Road, Kingsbury
(Enter via Plenty Rd)
Choose from : 9:30am, 11:30am, 1:30pm session.
Sessions will close once fully booked.
Confirm your spot via the ‘Booking Forms’ (below)
Monday – Friday
5:00pm – 6:15pm (2013 – 2015+)
6:30pm – 8:00pm (2009 – 2012)
9:00am – 10:15am (2013 – 2015+)
10:30am – 12noon (2009 – 2012)
Monday. 11, 18, 25 Nov, 2, 9 Dec
Marymede College, Williamssons Road, South Morang
Princes Park, Bambra Road, Caulfield
Tuesday. 12, 19, 26 Nov, 3, 10 Dec
Salesian College, Bosco Ave, Chadstone
* Fairbairn Park, Woods Street, Ascot Vale
* Runners ONLY
Wednesday. 13, 20, 27 Nov, 4, 11 Dec
Poulter Reserve, Poulter Avenue, Greensborough
Thursday. 14, 21, 28 Nov, 5, 12 Dec
Aberfeldie Primary School, Doone St, Aberfeldie
Friday. 15, 22, 29 Nov, 6, 13 Dec
Auburn High School, Tooronga Road, Hawthorn
Saturday. 16, 23, 30 Nov, 7, 14 Dec
Kingswood College, Piedmont St, Box Hill
Training Venues
Ascot Vale
* Fairbairn Park
Woods Street, Ascot Vale
* Runners ONLY
Aberfeldie Primary School
Doone Street, Aberfeldie
Box Hill
Kingswood College
Piedmont Street, Box Hill
Princes Park
Bambra Road, Caulfield South
Salesian College
Bosco Ave, Chadstone
Poulter Reserve
Poulter Avenue, Greensborough
Auburn High School
Tooronga Road, Hawthorn
South Morang
Marymede College
Williamsons Road, South Morang
In conjunction with their weekly ‘Primary Location’ training, players can also attend training at any other location, on any other night at no extra cost.
NOTE: It is important that players submit the ‘Unlimited Training’ attendance form (found under the ‘Booking Forms’ section), prior to attending any extra training sessions. This will help ensure our coaches are well planned for the session player numbers.
CLICK HERE for this year’s Combine Results (Updated 2/12/24)
All Elite STP players are entitled to undertake one AFL Draft Combine Testing. It is up to each player to select the session that suits them best. Numbers will be capped for each session so we encourage you to register early. Players are only permitted to attend one testing session. Each session duration is 90 – 120 minutes.
What to wear/bring: Testing will be performed on indoor Basketball Courts.
Players should wear runners, shorts and their DFS training singlet. No boots.
Player need to bring their own labelled drink bottle(s)
The scheduled Combine Testing Sessions are:
221 Burwood Highway, Burwood
(Indoor Basketball Stadium)
Times: 9:30am, 11:15am, 1:00pm
Sunday 24th November
Gordon Street Entrance
(Indoor Basketball Stadium)
Times: 9:30am, 11:15am, 1:00pm
Click Here for 2023 Summer Training Combine Results
Click Here for 2022 Combine Results
Click Here for previous year Combine Results
Click Here for Combine Results Comparison Charts
These booking have now closed.
CLICK HERE to learn more about the how you’ll benefit from the Video Kicking Analysis.
CLICK HERE to view the current list of booked players.
CLICK HERE to learn more about the how you’ll benefit from the Xmas Training Program.
CLICK HERE to view the current list of booked players.
Bookings can still be made under the ‘Booking Forms’ section.
We are extremely excited to be able to offer this opportunity to all 2024 Elite STP players.
Players have the chance to join forces with special guest coaches other talented and like-minded juniors from each of the 8 Elite Summer Training Program locations.
Location : Tony Sheehan Oval, La Trobe Unviersity, Kingsbury Drive, Bundoora
Juniors : 10:00am – 12:15pm
Seniors : 11:45am – 2:00pm
Bring boots, DFS singlet, shorts, water bottle (mouthguard, helmet).
Players NEED to confirm availability to attend via the ‘Booking Forms’ section.
Location: Ivanhoe Grammar School, Plenty Valley Campus, 730 Bridge Inn Road, Doreen.
9:30am – 2014-2015+ Born Players
11:30am – 2013 Born Players
1:30pm – 2012 Born Players
3:30pm – 2011-2009 Born Players
Bring full playing gear: Boots, Shorts, DFS singlet, Water Bottle (mouthguard, helmet).
These matches signal the conclusion of the 2024 Elite Summer Training Program.
There will be presentations directly after each match.
Players NEED to confirm availability to attend via the ‘Booking Forms’ section.
CLICK HERE to confirm your availability to attend the Bonus Extra Session
CLICK HERE to book your AFL Draft Combine Session.
CLICK HERE to book your extra training attendance
These booking have now closed.
NOTE: Players are filmed during the training sessions. Bookings will close December 8.
CLICK HERE to book your Xmas Training Program
CLICK HERE to book your Hoodie and/or Hat.CLICK
CLICK HERE to confirm your availability to attend the Jamboree on Sunday 8th December.
CLICK HERE to confirm your availability to attend the Match Day Finale on Sunday 15th December.
The work you do away from the training track is just as important as the training itself. At every level of the game, the truly great players are always the ones who work harder than anyone else. They train away from training, they train in their backyard, in the local park, at school, and even during the ads of their favorite TV show. Great players always have a footy in their hands. This is where the DFS ‘300 touches’ comes into play.
We encourage you to do your 300 touches EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.
Before the start of every training session, all players will be expected to complete the DFS 300 touches. DFS 300 touches is for players to maximise touches of the football prior to training, which will develop ball-handling skills. Doing this simple exercise before training helps shape the hands and mentally ‘switch on’, ready for training.
Below are some introduction videos to some individual and partner 300 touches activities.
Our proud partners, Nutrition Melbourne, present knowledge and diet for the junior AFL footballer. What should you eat after a training session to re-fuel your body?
What is hydration, what does it mean for you, how does it affect your performance and how can you hydrate effectively?
All these questions and more will be answered in this specific nutrition video.
How do you get the most from Mental preparation? Can it really improve performance?
In this video, Michael Inglis breaks down mental skills, for the junior footballer.
Michael is a former AFLPA Sport Psychologist and current works very closely with North Melbourne coaches and players. We hope you enjoy finding out about this side of sport and performance.
To Be Updated
The Elite STP Program Player & Parent Induction signifies the official commencement of the 2021 Elite Summer Training Program.
As has been the case for many events held during the past 2 Covid-affected years, this year’s STP Player & Parent Induction has needed to be held online. Players and parents can watch the Induction and learn what’s in store for this years Elite Summer Training Program.
Player & Parent Handbook Click Here
Players are expected to organise themselves to ensure they are in attendance at all training sessions and Elite STP events. Where possible, players are expected to be on the training track 15 minutes prior to the start of their session. It is the player’s responsibility to make sure the Coach is informed of any injury that will stop him/her from participating in normal training. No player is to leave the training track without first seeing the Coach or his/her nominated member of the Coaching Staff.
Bundoora: 5:00pm – 6:30pm (2011 – 2012).
6:15pm – 8:00pm (2007 – 2010)
RMIT, Plenty Road, Bundoora
Ascot Vale: 5:00pm – 6:30pm (2011 – 2012).
6:15pm – 8:00pm (2007 – 2010)
Fairbairn Park. Newsom St, Ascot Vale
Sandringham: 5:00pm – 6:30pm (2011 – 2012).
6:15pm – 8:00pm (2007 – 2010)
Mernda: 5:00pm – 6:30pm (2011 – 2012).
6:15pm – 8:00pm (2007 – 2010)
Mernda Central College, Waterview Rd, Mernda
Box Hill: 5:00pm – 6:30pm (2011 – 2012).
6:15pm – 8:00pm (2007 – 2010)
Kingswood College, Montpied Rd, Box Hill
Hawthorn: 5:00pm – 6:30pm (2011 – 2012).
6:15pm – 8:00pm (2007 – 2010)
Anderson Park, Anderson Rd, Hawthorn
Friday (No Boots. Runners Only)
Bulleen: 5:00pm – 6:30pm (2011 – 2012).
6:15pm – 8:00pm (2007 – 2010)
Bulleen Park West Oval, Bulleen Road, Bulleen
Coming Soon
The Elite STP Match Day will be held Sunday 13th December at La Trobe University Sports Centre. Kingsbury Drive, Car Park 2A.
Click Here for full location details and maps
Click Here for full Match Times and Age Groups.
Click Here to confirm availability for your Match.
All Elite STP players are entitled to undertake one AFL Draft Combine Fitness Testing. It is up to each player to select the session that suits them best. Numbers will be capped for each session so we encourage you to register early. Players are only permitted to attend one testing session. Each session duration is 90 – 120 minutes.
NOTE: Spots per each session are strictly limited and in accordance with current Covid Indoor Policy. As each session reaches capacity, it will be closed for bookings.
What to wear/bring: Testing will be performed on indoor Basketball Courts.
Players should wear runners, shorts and their DFS training singlet. No boots.
Player need to bring their own labelled drink bottle(s)
This session is available for any player who registered before November 11th.
The session will be held Sunday November 15, La Page Park, Argus Street, Cheltenham.
We have been able to offer three session time-slots, of which players can choose one to attend, which best suits them. Session times to choose from are: 10:00am. 12noon. 2:00pm.
NOTE: This session is not compulsory. It is an additional BONUS feature which is OPTIONAL for players to attend.
Click here for the information flyer
Click here to book your session time.
This year, for the first time ever, players can attend another location, as well at their primary training location. There is no additional cost for this.
Players who wish to attend another training location, either as a one-off or on a regular basis, need to complete the below ‘attendance form’.
The ‘attendance form’ allows players to indicate which session(s) they will attend as part of our exclusive offer for this year’s program.
Click here to complete the ‘Extra Training Attendance’ form.
If you have not booked you Video Kicking Analysis, this is your opportunity to do so, before bookings close. Over 110 players have booked, to have their kick filmed and analysed this year.
NOTE: If you have already booked and paid for your VKA – you do not need to complete this booking form.
Video kicking analysis.
Item price: $75
This is a dual angle video camera analysis of your kicking action, completed by Directors of Coaching, Adrian Talarico & Michael Talbot. Adrian & Michael have completed more than 1,000 kicking analysis videos over the history of the Elite STP. The video link will be emailed directly to you, allowing you to access it anytime. You will also receive exclusive access to the DFS AFL player ‘model kicks’, to help you understand the exact areas that are mentioned during your kicking analysis.
Bookings will remain open till December 31st.
Click Here to view the players that have booked their Video Kicking Analysis
Message from Adam Veli, DFS Head of Strength & Conditioning
It is essential to develop your body so that it meets the demands of our physically challenging game. If you think about it, your body needs to be strong enough to hold tackles, break tackles, bump and position yourself better than your opponent. You require the speed to break away from players, agility to maximize your evasive skills, power to leap into marking contests and aerobic endurance to compete for four quarters and run your opponent into the ground.
With the Strength and Conditioning (S&C) programs we have designed, you will work on each of these key physical attributes to ensure you optimize your performance and become a more rounded player.
As always the Elite STP offers fitness testing, identical to the AFL Draft Combine which I have been involved in for the past few years. It is important to test your fitness capacities early in the program in order to give you the opportunity and responsibility to improve throughout the Elite STP.
We have optional extras in the S&C area that will be of great benefit to individual players. The first occurs during the week of the Melbourne Cup, with a 90 minute session dedicated specifically to S&C. Players are also offered a personalised 6-week Xmas training program to complete once the Elite STP has concluded.
Each of these three optional extra programs has a small fee attached. Full details can be found in your player/parent handbook.
Adam Veli
DFS Head of Strength and Conditioning (MappSc, BESS)
Any S & C queries, please email Adam.
Item price: $75
This is an individual program designed for you by our Strength & Conditioning ‘gurus’, based on the results you achieve during the AFL Draft Combine Fitness Testing. Our ‘gurus’ have written over 520 XMAS training programs for previous Elite STP players. The program will focus on specific areas you want to develop, improve or maintain. It includes a 6-week program, detailing week-to-week, day-to-day activities for you to perform during the XMAS break. Bookings have Closed
Click Here to view the players that have booked their Xmas Training program
The work you do away from the training track is just as important as the training itself. At every level of the game, the truly great players are always the ones who work harder than anyone else. They train away from training, they train in their backyard, in the local park, at school, and even during the ads of their favorite TV show. Great players always have a footy in their hands. This is where the DFS ‘300 touches’ comes into play.
We encourage you to do your 300 touches EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. Before the start of every training session, all players will be expected to complete the DFS 300 touches. DFS 300 touches is for players to maximise touches of the football prior to training, which will develop ball-handling skills. Doing this simple exercise before training helps shape the hands and mentally ‘switch on’, ready for training.
Below is an introduction video to some individual and partner 300 touches activities.
One aim of the Elite STP is to encourage players to take more responsibility and ownership of their own football development. Once players reach representative football (or any sport) cool-downs are an expected part of the training schedule. Check out the following video where our Strength and Conditioning Guru, Dave Veli, guides you through a series of post-training cool-down activities, which will help with your recovery. This video will help you understand how to perform a cool-down which can be practised in your own time. If there’s any more you want to find feel free to ask your DFS strength and conditioning coach at your next session.
Our proud partners, Nutrition Melbourne, present knowledge and diet for the junior AFL footballer. What should you eat after a training session to re-fuel your body?
What is hydration, what does it mean for you, how does it affect your performance and how can you hydrate effectively?
All these questions and more will be answered in this specific nutrition video.
How do you get the most from Mental preparation? Can it really improve performance?
In this video, Michael Inglis breaks down mental skills, for the junior footballer.
Michael is a former AFLPA Sport Psychologist and current works very closely with North Melbourne coaches and players. We hope you enjoy finding out about this side of sport and performance.
Social Media can be a great way to keep in touch with family, friends or just keep up to date with what is happening in the world. However, it can also be mis-used and abused and can lead to undesirable situations.
Ryan Mobilia, founder of Hook Media, clearly explains the dangers of Social Media, and explains what to do so you can avoid getting yourself in trouble online.
2021 Elite Pre-Season Training Program bookings are now open.
CLICK HERE to book your spot.
Kicks Off Feb 17th 2021.
Location: Bulleen – Mernda – Moorabbin.
The BONUS Online training sessions are designed to offer even more coaching and learning for all registered Elite STP Players. The session will be streamed online and allow players the opportunity to have access to our Elite Coaches, without leaving home.
There will 2 x 45 minute session, each held Saturday morning during the Elite STP Program.
Links and full details will be posted here, once the Elite STP program commences.
The scheduled Online Training Sessions dates are:
Develop Skills.
Improve Confidence.
Increase Enjoyment.
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M | 0404 995 096
© 2024 Dynamic Footy Skills
Develop Skills. Improve Confidence. Increase Enjoyment.
E | M | 0404 995 096
© 2024 Dynamic Footy Skills